Students in the BHPC program are welcome to make use of such College facilities as are not specially booked or reserved for residents. The Common Room, Massey College is a great place for coffee and newspapers during the day, and for the cash bar in the evening. Lunch is available cafeteria-style at 12:15; you will need to buy a chit from the Porter. It may be possible to arrange locker space: enquire at the BHPC office.
For quiet study, there is usually table space in the Robertson Davies Library. The Upper Library is often booked for meetings and special events, but is otherwise free for casual use. Carrels at Massey are at present reserved for non-resident Junior Fellows, but the Robarts Library will provide book lockers (ask at the Carrel Office, Robarts 1008, M-F 10:30-12:00, 2:00-3:30) and you may apply for a locked carrel (students in the later stages of the doctoral degree have priority). To apply for a Robarts carrel go to the website,
In the Spring of 2000, a group of Massey students compiled a ranked list which they called “the official Massey guide to the best 19 or so study nooks within range of a decent archer on the bell tower.” Here are a few that newcomers might not discover on their own, together with comments from the recommenders.
Knox College (Caven Library): “very pleasant and high-ceilinged reading room”; “quiet and scenic views of campus.”
Hart House Library (the renovated library on the 2nd floor–but there is also study space in the Reading Room on the first floor, in the East Common Room, and in the Map Room): “great warm place for reading and a nap!”
Ned’s Cafe, Wymilwood Building, Victoria College: “lots of easy chairs, and a fireplace.”
Bora Laskin Law Library: “second floor has a whole slew of carrels that are very spacious, comfortable, and quiet”; “not necessarily nookish, but you’ll feel an intense social pressure to accomplish something.”