In 2020 the BHPC program successfully completed a cyclical review as part of the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP). For more about the program, see the BHPC 2019 self-study prepared for the review.
2024–2025 Program Committee:
Yulia Ryzhik, Chair (English)
Claire Battershill, Faculty Representative (Information, English)
Jeannie Miller, Faculty Representative (Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations)
Chana Algarvio, Principal’s Delegate (Massey College)
J Hughes, PhD Student Representative (English)
Azure Pham, Master’s Student Representative (Information)
2024–2025 Events Committee:
Yulia Ryzhik, Chair (English)
Adriana Ciocci, Student Representative (History & Philosophy of Science & Technology)
Nyssa Komorowski, Student Representative (Art History)
Adam Cohen, Faculty Representative (Art History)
Patrick Keilty, Faculty Representative (Information)
Misha Teramura, Faculty Representative (English)