Student Projects

A requirement for the doctoral program in Book History and Print Culture, the Practicum is an individual project involving the use of primary sources, approved for academic credit by the Program Committee, undertaken under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty, and intended to serve as a bridge from coursework to the dissertation.

Links to online project materials are included where possible, and supervisors’ names are indicated in parenthesis.

Adriana Ciocci (IHPST), “Print Knowledge in Practice: Reconstructing 17th Century Ink, Paper, Tools, and Prints Through a 21st century Lens” (Claire Battershill)
Sophie Edelhart (German), “The Ritual Process: Jewish Book Arts and Printing Sacred Text” (David Fernández)
J Hughes (English), “Experiential Learning Methods in Community Book Arts and Print Culture Programming” (Claire Battershill)

Rowan Red Sky (Art History), “Native Nature: Visual Discourse in Longfellow’s Wild America” (Claire Battershill)
Morgan Moore (Medieval Studies), “Performance and Mutual Entertainment in MS Peniarth 65” (Alexandra Gillespie)
Natalie Leduc (English), “e.lit.ish – a poetry and poetics app” (T.L. Cowan)
William Layng (English), “Samuel Richardson’s Pamela in the colonial United States” (Thomas Keymer)

Ellen Forget (Information), “Small Press Speculative Fiction in Canada: A Digital Bibliography and Recommendation Database” (Alan Galey)
Shaun Midanik (Art), “Towards a New Cataloguing Standard for Early Modern Books of Prints” (Misha Teramura)

Miriam Borden(German), Bleter fun geshikhte (Leaves of History): The Yiddish Libraries of Toronto’s Jewish Left” (Anna Shternshis)
Angela Du
(English), “‘At the apex of society’s pyramid’: Constructing a Modern Feminine Identity in The Women’s Penny Paper” (Audrey Jaffe)
Austin Long (English), “Grub Street Icarus”: Staples Steare, Hack Production, and the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade” (Thomas Keymer)

Hannah Cooley (History), “The Ojibwe Cultural Foundation Digital Community Newsletter Project” (Heidi Bohaker)
Kristina Rogahn (Religion),”Describing the Tamil Songbook (Taṉippāṭal Tiraṭṭu) Archive” (Bhavani Raman)
Alejandro Soifer (Spanish and Portuguese), “Under the Shadow of Catastrophe: An Account of 21st Century Argentinian Science Fiction” (Susan Antebi)
Dustin Meyer (English), “A Critical Bibliography of Lily’s Grammar on the English Stage, 1540-1629” (Misha Teramura)
Annie Heckman (Religion), “Compendia of Discipline? A Study of the Meaning and Scope of lengbum (gleng ’bum) in Tibetan Literary History” (Amanda K. Goodman)

Amy Coté (English), “The Prud’homme Library /  La Bibliothèque Prud’homme: A Fictive Library and Archive Project”, curated by Claire Battershill and Heather Jessup (Christine Bolus-Reichert)
James William “Billy” Johnson (English), “Neith(er) Here nor There: A Critical and Bibliographical History of Canada’s Forgotten ‘first African-Canadian literary journal'” (George Elliott Clarke)
Louis Reed-Wood (History), “It’s Only a Paper Republic: Envisioning Statehood in Fenian Media” (Mark McGowan)
Oliver Velázquez Toledo (Spanish and Portuguese), “Editing Identity: the Book-Shaped Nation of Poesía en Movimiento” (Susan Antebi)

Steven Hicks (Music), “‘The Seasons’ in Eighteenth-Century Austrian Print Culture: Brockes, Harries, Haydn” (Caryl Clark)
Joel William Vaughan (English), “Beyond Trianon: Hand-Printing a Blake Facsimile in Massey’s Bibliography Room” (Thomas Keymer)

Gregory Fewster (Religion), “The Euthalian Apparatus of Codex Coislinianus and Late Antique Biblical Paratexts” (John Kloppenborg)
Catherine Fleming (English), “Elizabeth Carter’s Poems on Several Occasions” (Thomas Keymer)
Nicholas Field (Religion), “Creating a Database of Old Tibetan Letters” (Amanda Goodman)
Veronica Litt (English), “Popular Feminocentric Narratives, 1750-1765: A Critical Bibliography and Web Exhibition” (Thomas Keymer)
Ashley Morford (English), “Re-mapping Coast Salish Territory through Pauline Johnson’s Legends of Vancouver” (Pamela Klassen)
Illya Nokhrin (English), “A Highbrow Woolf in Lowbrow Clothing? The ‘Battle of the Brows’ and the Dust-Jackets of The Voyage Out and Night and Day” (Melba Cuddy-Keane)

Sarah Lubelski (Information), ‘Back from the Underworld: Persephone Books and the Revaluation of Women’s Writing’ (Heather Murray)

Heidi Craig (English), ‘A List and Selected Paratexts of English Printed Drama, 1639-1710’ (Jeremy Lopez)
Aaron Donachuk (English), ‘Type-Writing: Attention and Readability in the Kelmscott Editions of William Morris’s Late Prose Romances’ (Cannon Schmitt)
Jeff Espie (English), ‘Following Chaucer’s Feet: Spenser’s Faerie Queene and Tudor Editions of Chaucer’ (David Galbraith)
Christopher Laprade (English), ‘Mapping Plays in Print in Shakespeare’s England’ (Holger Syme)
Sarah Truman (OISE), ‘Marginalia as Critical Public Pedagogy’ (Stephanie Springgay)

Prasanta Dhar (History), “An Annotated Bibliography of Marxist Texts Read in Calcutta Between the 1940’s and the 1970’s” (Frank Cody)
Jonathan Kerr (English), “Writing Madness and the Asylum, 1750-1850” (Alan Bewell)
Elisa Tersigini (English), “Lemmatizing Early Modern English” (Randall McLeod)

Pamela Arancibia (Italian), “Visualising Piety: Illustrated Italian Religious Texts, 1500-1700”
Ruth Grossman (Information), “Looking for the Author in the Production of the Aliquando Press”
Tim Harrison (English), “Montaigne’s Lucretius: Studied for Inaction”
Catherine Schwartz (Comparative Literature), “Squeak, Bang, Pop!: Tracing the Sounds of Book Production in Nineteenth-Century France and Britain”

Elizabeth Klaiber (Religion), “Books Threatened or Condemned to be Burnt in England circa 1500-1600 C.E.: A Descriptive Bibliography”
Alpen Razi (English), “Empire in Print: Samuel Keimer’s Brand (1718)”

Robert McCutcheon (Classics), “Epistolary Materiality in Cicero’s Letters”
Matt Schneider (English), “Material Narratives”
Chris Young (Information), “From Some Place to No Place: Utopian and Dystopian Visions of our Past, Present and Future”
Sean Winslow (Medieval Studies), “Ethiopic Scribal Practices: an Exhibit”

Claire Battershill, “’The fun of calling it a Biography’: An Annotated and Categorized Checklist of the Publications of the Hogarth Press 1917-1946”
Jann Marson, “Subversion of the Surrealist Revolution: A Critical Bibliography of Selected Works Published by Marcel Mariën, 1944-1975”
Melissa Patterson, “A Bibliography of Nathan Bailey Dictionaries”
Ruth-Ellen St. Onge, “Le Banquet offert à M. Alphonse Lemerre: l’éditeur et le banquet littéraire au XIXe siècle”
Jessica Duffin Wolfe, “Drawing Palestine from London: An Exhibition of Illustrated Travel Books, 1634-1917”

Lindsey Eckert, “Nineteenth-Century British Literary Annuals: An Online Exhibition”
Dan Harney, “Theories of Reading in Modernism and Contemporary Modernist Studies”
John McQuillen, “Catalogue of Incunabula at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies”
Lisa Lynn Chen, “SCRIPTO (Scholarly Codicological Research, Information & Paleographical Tools) Program at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg”
Nina Kouprianova, “The National Narrative in post-Soviet Russia: the Armed Forces”
Emily Simmons, “Writing Periodically: Anthony Trollope’s short stories in St. Pauls Magazine”
Kyle Wyatt, “American Literary Maps, 1878-1960: A Reference Guide”

Joe Culpepper, “The Life & Magic of Stewart James (1908-1996)—A Web Exhibition”
Elizabeth Dickens, “Modernism and the Mainstream: Reviewing and Advertising Books in the Nation and Athenaeum and the New Statesman”
Scott McLaren, “A Scholarly Online Edition of the Nathan Bangs Journals”
Vernon R. Totanes, “The History of the Book in the Philippines: A Reader”

Piers Brown, “Donne, the Courtier’s Library, and Courtly Reading”
Susan Hesemeier, “Constructing an Exploratory Study to Examine Reader Response”
Lindsay Reid, “Ovid in England: An Annotated Bibliography, Caxton to 1620”

Robert Desmarais, “Victorian Picture Books: Unearthing a Public Language on Children’s Art in the Work of Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott and Kate Greenaway”

Shelley Beal, “Indexing Emile Zola’s North American Correspondents”
Greta Golick, “Evidence of Print Culture in 19th Century Guelph: the Frank Nunan Bindery Workbook, 1876-1881”
Eli MacLaren, “Mechanics of Culture: the Correspondence of Macmillan Canada, 1906-1921”

Jessica Bowslaugh, “Nineteenth Century Ontario Newspapers”
Travis DeCook, “Knowledge Media in Renaissance Utopian Writing”
Andrea Trevor, “Sir Edmund Walker’s Library: A Reconstruction”
Katherine Verhagen, “Mapping Reception: Three Afro-Caribbean-Canadian Women Writers”

Sarah Brouillette, “Dave Eggers, McSweeney’s and the Deconstruction of Bibliography”
Leslie McGrath, “Exhibition: Children’s Book-binding”