Michelle Alexopoulos |
malex@chass.utoronto.ca |
Economics |
Christy Anderson |
christy.anderson@utoronto.ca |
Art |
Susan Antebi |
susan.antebi@utoronto.ca |
Spanish & Portuguese |
Lawrin Armstrong |
lawrin.armstrong@utoronto.ca |
Medieval Studies |
Salvatore Bancheri |
salvatore.bancheri@utoronto.ca |
Italian |
Claire Battershill |
claire.battershill@utoronto.ca |
Information, English |
Liza Blake |
liza.blake@utoronto.ca |
English |
Peter Blayney |
English |
Heidi Bohaker |
heidi.bohaker@utoronto.ca |
History |
Christine Bolus-Reichert
bolus@utsc.utoronto.ca |
English |
William R. Bowen |
william.bowen@utoronto.ca |
Music |
Jonathan Burgess |
jburgess@chass.utoronto.ca |
Classics |
James P. Carley |
jcarley@yorku.ca |
Medieval Studies |
Caryl Clark |
c.clark@utoronto.ca |
Music |
George Elliot Clarke |
libretto@chass.utoronto.ca |
English |
Adam S. Cohen |
as.cohen@utoronto.ca |
Art |
TL Cowan |
tl.cowan@utoronto.ca |
Information |
Jeannine DeLombard |
jdelombard@english.ucsb.edu |
English |
Juris Dilevko |
juris.dilevko@utoronto.ca |
Information |
Wendy Duff |
wendy.duff@utoronto.ca |
Information |
Konrad Eisenbichler |
konrad.eisenbichler@utoronto.ca |
Renaissance Studies |
Angela Esterhammer |
angela.esterhammer@utoronto.ca |
English |
Nicholas C. Everett |
n.everett@utoronto.ca |
History |
Sarah Fee |
sarahf@rom.on.ca |
Art |
David Galbraith |
galbrait@chass.utoronto.ca |
English |
Alan Galey |
alan.galey@utoronto.ca |
Information & English |
Alexandra Gillespie |
alexandra.gillespie@utoronto.ca |
English |
Melissa Gniadek |
m.gniadek@utoronto.ca |
English |
Erik Gunderson |
e.gunderson@utoronto.ca |
Classics |
John Haines |
j.haines@utoronto.ca |
Music |
Bert Hall |
bert.hall@utoronto.ca |
Adam Hammond |
adam.hammond@utoronto.ca |
English |
Adrienne Hood |
hisugchr@chass.utoronto.ca |
History |
Laura Ingallinella |
laura.ingallinella@utoronto.ca |
Italian |
Audrey Jaffe |
a.jaffe@utoronto.ca |
English |
Eric Jennings |
eric.jennings@utoronto.ca |
History |
Bernice M. Kaczynski |
kaczynb@mcmaster.ca |
Medieval Studies |
Patrick Keilty |
p.keilty@utoronto.ca |
Information |
Thomas Keymer |
thomas.keymer@utoronto.ca |
English |
Rebecca Kingston |
rebecca.kingston@utoronto.ca |
Political Science |
Pamela Klassen |
p.klassen@utoronto.ca |
Religion |
John Kloppenborg |
john.kloppenborg@utoronto.ca |
Religion |
Ann Komaromi |
a.komaromi@utoronto.ca |
Comparative Literature |
Neil ten Kortenaar |
kortenaar@utsc.utoronto.ca |
English |
Dorothea Kullmann |
dorothea.kullmann@utoronto.ca |
French, Medieval Studies |
Katherine R. Larson |
katie.larson@utoronto.ca |
English |
Julie LeBlanc |
julie.leblanc@utoronto.ca |
French |
Michael Lettieri |
michael.lettieri@utoronto.ca |
Italian |
Kathy Liddle |
kathy.liddle@utoronto.ca |
Sociology |
Heather MacNeil |
h.macneil@utoronto.ca |
Information |
Lynne Magnusson |
lynne.magnusson@utoronto.ca |
English |
Jill L. Matus |
jill.matus@utoronto.ca |
English |
Mark McGowan |
mark.mcgowan@utoronto.ca |
St. Michael’s College |
Jeannie Miller |
jeannie.miller@utoronto.ca |
Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations |
Jennifer Mori |
jennifer.mori@utoronto.ca |
History |
Andreas Motsch |
motsch@chass.utoronto.ca |
French |
Nick Mount |
nick.mount@utoronto.ca |
English |
Heather Murray |
heather.murray@utoronto.ca |
English |
Dimitri Nakassis |
d.nakassis@utoronto.ca |
Classics |
Yigal Nizri |
yigal.nizri@utoronto.ca |
Religion |
Cillian O’Hogan |
cillian.ohogan@utoronto.ca |
Medieval Studies |
Carol Percy |
carol.percy@utoronto.ca |
English |
Janet Poole |
janet.poole@utoronto.ca |
East Asian Studies |
Yannick Portebois |
yannick.portebois@utoronto.ca |
French |
Bhavani Raman |
bhavani.raman@utoronto.ca |
History |
Srilata Raman |
s.raman@utoronto.ca |
Religion |
Adrien Rannaud |
adrien.rannaud@utoronto.ca |
French |
Matt Ratto |
matt.ratto@utoronto.ca |
Information |
William Robins |
william.robins@utoronto.ca |
English |
Terry F. Robinson |
terry.robinson@utoronto.ca |
English |
E. Natalie Rothman |
rothman@utsc.utoronto.ca |
History |
Yulia Ryzhik |
yulia.ryzhik@utoronto.ca |
English |
Walid Saleh |
walid.saleh@utoronto.ca |
Religion, Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations |
Cannon Schmitt |
cannon.schmitt@utoronto.ca |
English |
J. Barton Scott |
barton.scott@utoronto.ca |
Historical Studies, Religion |
Naomi Seidman |
naomi.seidman@utoronto.ca |
Religion, Diaspora and Transnational Studies |
Anna Shternhis |
anna.shternshis@utoronto.ca |
German |
Sebastian Sobecki |
sebastian.sobecki@utoronto.ca |
English, Medieval Studies |
Simon Stern |
simon.stern@utoronto.ca |
English, Law |
Markus Stock |
markus.stock@utoronto.ca |
German |
Holger Schott Syme |
holger.syme@utoronto.ca |
English |
Misha Teramura |
m.teramura@utoronto.ca |
English |
Nathan Vedal |
nathan.vedal@utoronto.ca |
East Asian Studies |
Daniel E. White |
daniel.white@utoronto.ca |
English |
Kevin Wilkinson |
kw.wilkinson@utoronto.ca |
Classics |
John Zilcosky |
zilcosky@chass.utoronto.ca |
German |