iSchool, English, and History & Philosophy of Science students win 2016 printing apprenticeships

“The BHPC Apprentice is given the privilege of learning the processes involved in operating the printing presses in the Robertson Davies Library’s Bibliography Room at Massey College, and will assist in showing visitors around the room and explaining the function of the presses and their related materials. Apprentices will also learn the basic skills of typesetting, registration, presswork, distribution, and principles of letterpress design. Further, they will assist in the maintenance of the shop including sorting spacing, distributing type and the other organizational tasks required to keep the presses in working order … [New BHPC Printing Apprentices Samantha Bellinger and Joel Vaughan] will be working with the Massey College Printer, Nelson Adams, and will join the current BHPC Printing Fellows, Amy Cote and Julia King, and the two new 2016 Massey Printing Apprentices, Kacper Niburski and Chris Kelleher.” You can read more here.